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Director of Children, Youth, and Family Services Simon Costello

Home threefortybpp 2020-02-06T15:nineteen:59+00:00

iii/xl Pattern:

Creating the Pattern to Reduce LGBTQ Youth Homelessness.

iii/40 Blueprint was initiated to place challenges and goals, and help transitional living programs develop solutions ameliorate aligned with LGBTQ youths' unique needs. Research results, executive summaries, and infographics have been provided here to assistance guide service provision for this vulnerable population.

3/xl Design was a collaborative endeavour between Jane Addams Higher of Social Work at the Academy of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), the Graduate School of Social Work at the University of Houston, the Center for the Study of Social Policy, and the Man Rights Entrada Foundation. These entities partnered due to their longstanding commitments to social justice, including efforts to improve outcomes for LGBTQ youth and runaway and homeless youth.

iii/40 Pattern was created to respond to the needs LGBTQ youth and delinquent and homeless youth by developing a design over the 3 years of this project that tin can reduce the 40% of homeless youth who identify equally LGBTQ (the three/twoscore Design). The outcomes from this project should help build the chapters of Transitional Living Programs to serve LGBTQ homeless youth and strengthen their efforts to ameliorate understand and address the needs of this population. Nosotros accept focused on identifying the needs of LGBTQ homeless youth and the strategies that respond to those needs to facilitate successful transitions to adulthood. Projection findings, executive summaries, and infographics have been provided here to help guide service provision for this vulnerable population.

The Consequence

Identifying challenges and goals.

Among the one.six one thousand thousand or more homeless youth in the United states of america, up to xl% identify every bit lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or questioning.1,2 Homeless LGBTQ youth are more probable to face depression, substance corruption, high-risk sexual beliefs, mental health problems, and suicide attempts than their non-LGBTQ peers.iii,4

Practices accept begun to sally that show promise in responding to the needs of LGBTQ homeless youth. However, information near those practices has non been systematically collected or analyzed, and no unifying do models accept emerged every bit a outcome of those responses. To facilitate positive outcomes for LGBTQ homeless youth, more than information is needed well-nigh those emerging practices, also equally about appropriate screening and assessment tools, and policies and programs that can facilitate LGBTQ homeless youth feeling "safe, respected, and affirmed". This project helps to brainstorm closing that gap.


Knowledge and gaps.

Explore the results of a systematic review of studies since 1990, besides every bit focus groups conducted every bit part of this project.

Executive Summaries

Solutions that work.

Findings from focus groups with youth and providers have been distilled into actionable summaries for transitional living programs.

Info graphics

Visualizing the data.

Share these graphics to enhance understanding of LGBTQ youths' unique needs, and to help create safer, more affirming environments.

Strategies for Services that Meet the Needs of Runaway and Homeless (RHY) LGBTQ Youth

Collecting Data Related to Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Gender Expression (SOGIE) from Youth in Transitional Living Programs (TLPs)

Intake, Screening, and Assessment Tools for Working with Delinquent and Homeless (RHY) LGBTQ Youth

Creating a Safe, Affirming Surround for LGBTQ Youth in Transitional Living Programs (TLPs)

Assessing the Needs of Transgender and Gender Expansive (TGE) Delinquent and Homeless Youth (RHY): Supplemental Report on Recommended Responses and Strategies for Providing Affirming and Supportive Services

Researchers and Consultants

Come across the team.

three/40 Blueprint was funded every bit a collaborative agreement betwixt the Jane Addams College of Social Piece of work at the Academy of Illinois at Chicago and the Family and Youth Services Agency of the Administration for Children, Youth, and Families.

Alan J. Dettlaff, PhD

Alan J. Dettlaff, PhD Chief Investigator

Alan J. Dettlaff is Dean of the Graduate Higher of Social Work at the Academy of Houston and the countdown Maconda Brown O'Connor Endowed Dean'southward Chair. Prior to joining the Academy of Houston, Dean Dettlaff served on the faculty of the Jane Addams College of Social Work at the Academy of Illinois at Chicago. He received his available's degree in social work from TCU, and chief's in social work and PhD from the Academy of Texas at Arlington. Dean Dettlaff's research focuses on improving outcomes for children and youth in the child welfare arrangement through examining and addressing the factors contributing to racial disparities and improving cultural responsiveness.

Henrika McCoy, MSW, MJ, PhD, LCSW

Henrika McCoy, MSW, MJ, PhD, LCSW Main Investigator

Henrika McCoy, MSW, MJ, PhD, LCSW is an Associate Professor at the Jane Addams College of Social Work, University of Illinois at Chicago. She has a Principal of Social Piece of work (MSW) from the University of Pennsylvania, a Master of Jurisprudence (MJ) from Loyola University Chicago, and a PhD from the George Warren Brown Schoolhouse of Social Work at Washington University in St. Louis. Dr. McCoy'due south inquiry is three-fold. First, she focuses on the intersection of mental health and juvenile delinquency, particularly for African American males. She has been funded in this surface area by the Fahs Beck Fund for Inquiry and Experimentation, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation -- New Connections program, and Academy of Illinois at Chicago, Institute for Inquiry on Race and Public Policy. Second, she has been funded by the National Institute of Justice funded study Understanding the Violent Victimization Experiences of Immature Men of Color (SURVIVE). The projection is designed to fill up the gap in our cognition base of operations about the violent victimization experiences of young Black males ages 18 to 24. Finally, she served as one of the Chief Investigators of this projection, 3/40: Project Pattern.

Sarah Narendorf, PhD

Sarah Narendorf, PhD Co-Investigator

Sarah Narendorf, PhD is an Assistant Professor at the University of Houston, Graduate College of Social Piece of work. Her enquiry focuses on ensuring successful transitions to adulthood for marginalized immature people including those who experience homelessness, mental wellness issues, and involvement with the foster care and juvenile justice systems. She conducted a community broad count and survey of homeless youth in Harris Canton in 2014 called YouthCount 2.0! which has assisted in informing customs planning effectually youth homeless services, especially for young people that identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or questioning ( She besides authored a report submitted to the Texas legislature in 2016 with policy recommendations for ending youth homelessness in Texas (

Micki Washburn, PhD, LMSW, LPC-S, NCC

Micki Washburn, PhD, LMSW, LPC-S, NCC Enquiry Scientist

Micki Washburn, PhD, LMSW, LPC-S is a Research Scientist at the University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work, Middle for Drug and Social Policy Enquiry. Her enquiry focuses on technology enhanced behavioral health interventions with historically underserved communities, including youth and families with child welfare interest. She holds practise licenses in both social work and professional counseling, and has over xv years of direct mental wellness practice experience, focusing on the care of members of the LGBTQIA2-Southward+ communities. Dr. Washburn is part of the evaluation squad for the getR.E.A.50. Allegheny project, which seeks to implement SOGIE affirming policies and practice behaviors inside public child welfare systems. She is also an abet for SOGIE affirming legislation and policies in her home state of Texas.

Christopher Mitchell, MSW, PhD, LCSW

Christopher Mitchell, MSW, PhD, LCSW Investigator

Christopher Mitchell, MSW, PhD, LCSW, is Associate Professor and Director of Academic Plan Development and Assessment at the Jane Addams Higher of Social Work, University of Illinois at Chicago and a member of the Steering Committee of the UIC Collaborative for Excellence in Interprofessional Education. He is an experienced clinical social worker with expertise in cognitive behavioral and motivational treatment approaches for persons with mental health and substance use problems. His research addresses the psychosocial and behavioral aspects of HIV with item focus on HIV prevention and medication adherence. He teaches graduate courses in behavioral health, clinical social work practice, and integrated care.

Jonathan Lykes, AM

Jonathan Lykes, AM Researcher

Jonathan Lykes is a Blackness queer creative person, activist and policy analyst. He currently works at the Center for the Report of Social Policy (CSSP), addressing disproportionality and disparities that affect LGBTQ and gender non-conforming youth impacted by deep-end systems (child welfare, mental health, homelessness and criminal justice). He is the former creative director of Performing Arts for Effective Borough Instruction (PAECE) Program at the University of Chicago, where he used interdisciplinary art and functioning to help youth realize their roles equally civically active members of the customs who thrive toward the accomplishment of systemic change and social justice. Jonathan's interdisciplinary approach to fine art, activism and anti-oppression piece of work, merges policy alter, artistic expression and activism. Combining these forms of social transformation—and harnessing their synergy—Jonathan works to create awareness, promote personal healing, surmount institutional barriers and generate systemic change. Jonathan's electric current position as the Project Lead of the getR.E.A.Fifty Initiative's youth engagement plan at the CSSP, situates him to merge his multidisciplinary artistic background with public policy reform, customs appointment and systems change work. Lykes is also a community organizer, currently serving as the co-chair of the DC Chapter of Black Youth Project 100, a movement of young adults using a black queer feminist lens to advocate for community and systemic change. He earned his bachelor's degree from the University of Chicago, where he as well received his chief's degree from the School for Social Service Administration.

Research Administration
  • Anjali Fulambarker, PhD Research Banana
  • Jesse Holzman, MA Enquiry Assistant
  • Aissetu Ibrahima, PhD Research Assistant
  • Emalee Pearson, MSW, MPH Research Banana
  • Andrew Repp, MSW Enquiry Banana

In addition, a Technical Expert Group provided ongoing consultation and input throughout the project. The group was comprised of national LGBTQ runaway and homeless youth experts, including service providers, youth, advocates, and researchers. Members include:

Cassie Franklin

Cassie Franklin CEO, Cocoon House, Everett, WA

Jonathan Lykes

Jonathan Lykes Policy Analyst & National Youth Organizer, Eye for the Study of Social Policy, Washington, DC

Rob Warmboe

Rob Warmboe Housing Specialist, Evergreen Youth & Family Services, Bemidji, MN

John Van Zandt

John Van Zandt Programme Director, Latin American Youth Eye, Washington, DC

Megan Gibbard Kline

Megan Gibbard Kline Director, A Way Home America, Seattle, WA

Roxane Jack

Roxane Jack Youth Advocate, Evergreen Youth and Family unit Services, Bemidji, MN

Simon Costello

Simon Costello Manager, Children, Youth and Family Services Los Angeles LGBT Heart, Los Angeles, CA

Tim'm West

Tim'm W Senior Managing Manager, LGBTQ Community Initiative, Teach For America, Atlanta, GA

Kristen Weber

Kristen Weber Director of Equity, Inclusion and Justice

340 Pattern Plan Officeholder

Niki Lee
Youth Services Program Specialist
Runaway and Homeless Youth Program
Segmentation of Adolescent Development and Support
Family and Youth Services Agency
Administration for Children and Families
U.S. Department of Health and Homo Services

Recommended Next Steps:

1. Policy

  1. We recommend advocating to public funders to reduce duplicative information collection wherever possible. This goal tin can be accomplished by ensuring data collection tools have common categories for capturing information.
  2. Nosotros recommend that funders require staff be trained so they, and the overall programme, run into minimum (but high quality) standards related to being competent related to issues experienced by LGBTQ youth. This requirement will increment the likelihood of providing LGBTQ youth who are existence served with a rubber and affirming space.

2. Research

  1. We recommend research continue to be conducted about LGBTQ youth who are homeless, especially those who reside in suburban and rural areas. Their experiences, the full scope, should be explored and viewed every bit a dynamic experience.
  2. Nosotros recommend further research be conducted, specifically about the needs of transgender and gender expansive (TGE) youth who reside in rural areas, small-scale cities, and mid-sized cities. Due to a lack of resources in those areas, TGE youth are ofttimes not able to access the resources that larger cities across the country tin provide. Agreement their needs and identifying strategies to meet them will aid to fill that gap.

3. Technical Assistance

  1. We recommend developing an assessment tool for organizations to use when providing services to LGBTQ youth. They should:
    1. guide organizations through the evaluation of their current practices
    2. assist organizations identify areas for growth related to service provision
    3. pb to recommended actions in primal areas where the agency may need comeback
  2. We recommend ensuring adequate training is made available to new and current transitional living programs (TLPs) as a means to back up their need to gain competency in serving LGBTQ young people. At minimum, trainings should include:
    1. how to inquire LGBTQ youth well-nigh their sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression (SOGIE), including during data collection
    2. creating condom and affirming space for LGBTQ youth
    3. the best practices and policies to use when providing services to transgender and gender expansive (TGE) youth.
  3. Nosotros recommend providing staff with the education and supports needed to appropriately respond to challenges that may arise during peer interactions, such as youth feeling unsafe. Being pro-agile will increase positive outcomes for LGBTQ youth.
  4. We recommend TLPs review the numerous documents resulting from this project and integrate the recommendations made into their existing TLP programming.

4. Funding

  1. We recommend funders piece of work together to ensure data collection tools have common categories for capturing information. This volition reduce agencies having to duplicate data, provide consistency when collecting data, and may reduce the time needed to complete intake and assessment.
  2. We recommend federal and state funders explore ways to unify the language and questions used on their required forms. This approach will support forepart-line staff in their efforts to amend document their clients' SOGIE.
  3. We recommend federal funding be made available to smaller agencies so they can create LGBTQ specific programs in areas where regional or local grants may not be available or cannot exist used to fund LGBTQ specific programs.
  4. Nosotros recommend as office of their Requests for Proposals, funders prioritize providing funding to organizations who marshal with the recommendations identified from this project, such every bit creating a safe, affirming, and supportive surround for LGBTQ youth.

Disclaimer: Delight annotation, the persons depicted on this website are models and the images take been used solely for illustrative purposes.

This website was made possible by Grant Number 90CX7053 from the U.S. Department of Health and Man Services, Administration for Children and Families to the Jane Addams College of Social Work at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Its contents reflect the views and input of the study participants and exercise not necessarily stand for the official views of the Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families.

1 Toro, P. A., Dworsky, A., & Fowler, P. J. (2007). Homeless youth in the United States: Recent research findings and intervention approaches. Washington, DC: Function of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation.
2 Ray, N. (2006). Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth: An epidemic of homelessness. New York, NY: National Gay and Lesbian Chore Forcefulness.
3 Van Leeuwen, J., Boyle, S., Sautel, S., Baker, D., Garcia, J., Hoffman, A., & Hopfer, C. (2006). Lesbian, gay, and bisexual homeless youth: An viii-city public health perspective. Child Welfare, 85, 151-170.
4 Ryan, C., Huebner, D., Diaz, R., & Sanchez, J. (2009). Family unit rejection as a predictor of negative health outcomes in white and Latino LGB immature adults. Pediatrics, 123, 346-352.


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